Sunday, May 31, 2009

Welcome to the boring blog!

Sorry it has been so long. Bill and I are working away a lot this summer. We are spending the whole week away from home and on the job site. My cousin, who will be getting married in August, they are fixing up an old farmhouse. Bill and I are doing the drywall. It is near Maryland. In fact, you can see a small part of the PA Turnpike from the house where they will be living. We also done a 8-12 pitch church roof in the New Lancaster Valley/Reedsville area two weeks ago. Yes, I was on the roof. Hanging by a harness.

Speaking of boring, my Dad was to the cancer doctor this past week for a check up. The doctor reported his most recent test results as "boring", but followed by saying, boring is good! Hallelujah!!!!!!!

1 comment:

The Donaheys said...

Hey, thanks for the update! You guys take care!