Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Deer Season

Buddy with his 8 point buck! Cheryl with her 7 point buck!

Let me start off by saying I am not a hunter. It was always exciting when I lived at home, if Pap or Shannon, my brother, got a deer. Sometimes I could go to the field or woods and help them drag it out.

This year I decided I would go hunting with my husband, Bill. We were trying out a new location. We eventually did see some deer, but mostly listened to the walkie talkie to here how everyone else was doing. We were unsuccessful in our hunt, but Buddy and Cheryl had a very good day.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations -- very nice deer, Buddy and Cheryl. Only Logan and Dan shot doe in Clearfield. See you Sunday!

Custom Toy Builder said...

Nice Job Guys