Friday, December 21, 2007

My husband Bill made all this stuff. The Gingerbread Village, entire manger scene, Christmas Carolers, snowmen, angel, even the sleigh with the teddy bear in. Of course he did the big lighted candy canes, mints, bells and lettering.

More pictures

Christmas Lights

I thought about using the title "Let it Glow". I had seen that earlier this week on the cover of American Profile. It was a house, I believe located in New York State, that had 90 some thousand lights. That makes our 14 some thousand not seem like much, but it is pretty and lots of work. Here are the promised pictures.

This church and carolers was our new project for this year. I even got to help cut it out.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Deer Season

Buddy with his 8 point buck! Cheryl with her 7 point buck!

Let me start off by saying I am not a hunter. It was always exciting when I lived at home, if Pap or Shannon, my brother, got a deer. Sometimes I could go to the field or woods and help them drag it out.

This year I decided I would go hunting with my husband, Bill. We were trying out a new location. We eventually did see some deer, but mostly listened to the walkie talkie to here how everyone else was doing. We were unsuccessful in our hunt, but Buddy and Cheryl had a very good day.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Harvest Home

Of course, every farm must have a John Deere.
Bernard on display.

Bernard is finished

Here is Bernard that Bill, my husband, and I made for Harvest Home.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I love fall!

One of my favorite things to do this time of year is go for a walk in the woods. I thought about that Sunday morning on the way home from church, but I figured those days were over since I now live in town. Thankfully, there is a farm were we go 4-wheel riding that has lots of wood land. Bill and the family also go hunting there. Bill and I were able to enjoy a beautiful stroll through the fallen leaves there on Sunday afternoon.
Here are just a few pictures of one huge rock that we saw on our walk. It is down in the hollow from our 4-wheeler trail. It is at least 12 feet high. I was very impressed with a rock this size out in the middle of the woods.

Creating Bernard

Bill and I have been working on a project for a few weeks now. Here is the outcome.
This is Bernard that we created for a special project to be held at our church.
More pictures and information will follow in the weeks to come.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fall Foliage Tour

I was fascinated by the gas street lamps in the town of Wellsboro. Brother Plank said they burn 24/7.

Bill and I had the priviledge last Saturday to travel with Cooley Coach to the PA Grand Canyon for their annual fall foliage tour. Rev. and Mrs. Harry Plank were co-host of the trip. Here are just a few of the sites we saw.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My Maid of Honor was my cousin Mandy Benner.

As most of you probably know, I got married almost two months ago. Here are some pictures, finally.

Friday, October 12, 2007

The New Blog

It has been so long since I have been able to blog that I forgot all my sign-in info.
Since my life has taken a turn, I thought I would just create a whole new blog.

So here's to a fresh start.