Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Speaking of John Deere

Earlier this Spring, my sister in-law had a dream of a picnic pavillion in the woods near their house. That became a reality. We had a picnic there on July 5th.
As you can see, it is also a great place to relax.
You can't miss the John Deere outhouse.

Here is what is saw while returning to camp on Saturday evening. How neat! They were even in the John Deere lot at Lost Creek Implement, right next to the camp.

Bridal Shower

This past weekend, I along with the other bridesmaids for my cousins wedding, hosted a shower for Mandy at Ard's Farm Market. We decided that would be a very appropriate place since she is marrying a farmer.

Camper Damage

The first weekend of Oakland Mills Camp, a heavy thunderstorm came through on Saturday evening during the service. This is what we found when we went to our trailer after service. We did have a very good camp anyway! It was only the first time we used the awning.

Here is the drywall project that we done for the Christian School at Harrisonville. Many thanks to Steve and Tracy Bonebrake for the use of the travel trailer. It was our home for two weeks.
Thanks also to Rev. and Mrs. Toby Melott and congregation for the great fellowship. We really enjoyed ourselves.

We put a new shingle roof on the Lockes Banks Evangelical Methodist Church. Here the shingles are being delivered to Bill on the roof. Unfortunately, there are no pictures of me on the roof.

Catching Up

This was a familiar scene every night while working in Burnt Cabins at my cousins future home. The air mattress was a great improvement from our first weekend there, sleeping on just a blanket.