Friday, December 19, 2008

New Christmas Items

Here are the new items that we have added to our Christmas display. The large candy canes, we had to redo.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Lights

Once again this year, we have on display our nearly 14,000 Christmas lights. It was suggested that since I posted outside pictures last year, I should post some inside pictures this year. Here are just a few.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

More Pictures

A bountiful supply!

Harvest Home

Today was Harvest Home at Richfield Evangelical Methodist Church. One of our very own was the featured speaker of the day, Tristan Brandt. He is currently a ministerial student at Penn View.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wonderful News

We, that is my family and I, are rejoicing tonight over the wonderful news that my Dad received from the doctor today. After further review of the pet scan, there is no trace of cancer to be found after just two chemo treatments. However, he still needs all six treatments to be sure there is nothing microscopic. He is half way, only three more to go. All the praise belongs to the Lord, for I believe it to be a miracle.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

An Update On My Dad

Currently, my Dad has received his third chemo treatment. He has not had as much energy this time, but is still doing what he can to keep busy. He also had a pet scan and we received the report last Sunday. The doctor had just read the report and he liked what he saw. He said, He was so excited he just couldn't wait till Monday to call. The report from the pet scan is looking very good. Please cotinue to pray for my Dad, the Lord has really been helping and we are trusting in Him.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wind Chimes

Here is the wind chimes my husband bought me for our first anniversary.
We are working together at making a wind chime, just because I wanted to. I will post pictures if I find it blog worthy.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pictures from Anniversary

I was surprised Monday evening with a dozen red roses for my anniversary. Bill also bought me a wind chime of my choice at Green Dragon, because I have been wanting one.

First Anniversary Weekend

Monday the 18th, Bill and I celebrated our first year of marriage. We actually celebrated the weekend before. We took a two day trip to Lancaster County. We visited Green Dragon Farmers Market on Friday morning. We had a delicious lunch at Shady Maple Smorgasboard. We played miniature golf in the evening. This was the first time Bill ever played. We actually had a tie score, but we won't say what it was. (Just kidding, it wasn't that bad)
Saturday morning we went for a train ride at Strasburg Railroad. I love trains, so that was a real treat for me. We then went to Intercourse and took a horse drawn carriage ride. That was very relaxing. We stopped at Old Country Buffet on the way home for supper. It was a great weekend!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Troubling News

Once again so much time has passed since I last posted. One of the reasons is because a few weeks ago, my family received some news that just blew us away.
My Dad has been diagnosed with cancer and has just received his first Chemo treatment this past Thursday. His spirits have been up and down, but he has been thanking the Lord for help he has received so far. I will try to keep you all updated on his condition.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Not a Green Thumb

I will be the first to admit, when it comes to growing flowers or a garden, I do not have a green thumb for that kind of stuff. Here are a few pictures of the flowers around our house that I was enjoying a few weeks ago. I did not plant these. They came up on there own from previous years.

Busy Times

Sorry I have not updated my blog latley. I have been quite busy, but I would like to try to do better. This week is VBS at our church. John and Barbara Baker are conducting the VBS. They do an excellent job. I remember them from when I was a little girl at Beavertown GMC conducting VBS. They have made an impression on my life.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Collingsworth Family Concert

The church had some beautiful landscape.

Olivia blessing the hearts of the congregation.

This past weekend, my husband and I went to see the Collingsworth Family in concert at a church in the Harrisburg area. What a blessing they were. I have been to many southern gospel music concerts, but there is always something different about the Collingsworths. They are our kind of people.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Last week my husband, Bill, and I had the awesome priviledge of going to IHC. It was Bills first time to be there. He really enjoyed it more than I thought he might. We traveled with Cooley Coach. Andy and Joy Cooley are excellent host and hostess. We had a great time. Here are just a few picutres from our trip.

Friday, February 8, 2008

My New Job

Some have been asking why I haven't updated my blog. I have been busier than ever. I went to work with my husband, Bill a few times between Christmas and New Years. I really liked screwing drywall. Last week, my father in-law had to go into the hospital and so I helped Bill at work every day that I wasn't at Weis.

Last week, we put a 12 foot high ceiling in a 30x40 shed. That was fun.

Here are just a few pictures of me doing some hands on.